The Hex Terrain toolkit consists of a wide array of tools and braces, many of which can be configured in multiple ways. The braces hold the tools in position; the tools give a true guide for your hot wire cutter.
Sheet 1
This sheet gives you the tools to make flat hexes, 'bunker' and 'house' semi-hexes and 'shed' quarter hexes. It also includes two slope tools and six t-bar pins for locking the toolkit in a particular configuration.

Sheet 2
This sheet includes the two hex braces which are at the core of the toolkit, along with four flat side tools which, together with the slopes from Sheet 1, will allow you to build all the standard sloping hexes. Also included is the 4-piece depth cutter tool, allowing you to cut pieces down to 15mm or 7.5mm depths.

Sheet 3
This sheet gives you the tools you need to make steeper sloped hexes and to transition your layouts from slopes into cliffs. You can also use these tall sides with the 'house' and 'bunker' tools from Sheet 1 to cut taller hexes into semi-hexes.

Sheet 4
This sheet gives you the tools you need to make narrow streams, wide rivers or coastlines. You can also make straight canals, trenches and for the really keen, bunkers and dungeons.

Sheet 5
This sheet introduces the innovative cog and snowflake interlock system which will allow you to link your hexes together into a single board, without the need for a frame.

Sheet 6
The complexity of the cog shape on Sheet 5 is only really needed around the edges of your board. With the tools on this sheet, you'll be able to use simpler interlock hexes for the inner parts of your board, saving time and effort.